Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Most Employable Degrees of 2019

The Most Employable Degrees of 2019 When it comes to making decisions about university as a next step in life, it can feel like there are so many things to consider. Once youve decided whether or not uni is the right place for you, youre then faced with deciding on what you want to study. Sometimes, this subject choice even affects where you study. Choosing your degree is either pretty easy, or really difficult! If you know what you want to do in terms of a career, or an industry you want to work in, then this really helps to narrow down what you need to study to reach that goal. But, if youre not sure what job you want to do or what career youre interested in, deciding on a degree can be difficult. Going to university can be extremely beneficial when it comes employment and, for some job sectors and roles, having a degree is a must. So, if youre forward thinking and you know youre looking for a good job, weve pulled together the most employable degrees of 2019 to help narrow down your options 1.Medicine and Dentistry Studying a degree in medicine or dentistry is notoriously difficult. But there are benefits to putting in all this hard work. Medicine and Dentistry degrees are the most employable. 99% of all medicine and dentistry students have a job within 6 months of leaving uni. This may come as no real surprise, given the current pressures and demand within our health care system. But having a degree of this level ensures that job security is always available to you. 2.Veterinary Science The second most employable degree is in Veterinary Science. Research shows that 98% of graduates have landed a job within 6 months of leaving uni. 3.Subjects Allied to Medicine These various courses, including Pharmacology, Pathology and Nursing, show that 95% of students are working within 6 months of leaving university. These subjects allow you to specialise earlier on, if you have a very specific interest in an area. The top three most employable degrees are all closely linked to medicine of some kind and, given the work involved and the jobs available at the end of them, its clear why these three take up the top spots! But what other industry areas are covered in the most valuable degrees? 4. Architecture, Building and Planning As a graduate with a degree in any of these areas, prospects show that 90% of students are employed within 6 months of leaving uni. These kinds of careers are highly specialised and many courses will include a placement of some type so that under-graduates can gain some real experience. 5. Education Theres always a demand for teachers so if youre interested in working within the education industry, figures show that 90% of students find work within 6 months of leaving uni. 6.Engineering Some may expect this to come higher up on the list but, like with Education, degrees in connection with Engineering do still show very good prospects. 90% of students have a job within 6 months of graduating. 7.Computer Science Over recent years, degrees in Computer Science have grown in value, with 80% of students finding work within 6 months of leaving university. If youre looking to start a career that is future-proof, areas surrounding Computer Science are a secure choice. 8.Mathematical Sciences Sitting just below Computer Science, students with this type of degree have an employability rate of 79%. Often these students go on to fill rolls in the financial sector or in IT. 9.Business and Administrative Studies With such a wide range of skills involved in this kind of degree, 75% of students who leave uni are working within 6 months. 10.Law Last, but by no means least, Law students finish off this list of the most employable degrees in 2019. 74% of students are employed with this degree within 6 moths of graduating. In the UK, the most popular degrees can be broken down into medical-related subjects for females and business-orientated courses for males. But, across both, the least popular degree was Veterinary Science! Maybe this is one worth considering if youre thinking about what you want to do at uni? At the end of the day, deciding on what degree you want to study is a personal choice. Make sure you understand what you value most, what you enjoy and where you see yourself in the future. Once you know these, itll help you choose a degree thats right for you.

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