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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Hearing loss Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hearing misfortune - Research Paper Example This paper investigates the reasons for, and analysis and accessible treatment for hearing misfortune. The sorts of hearing misfortune and their effect on the prosperity of people with hearing weakness, just as on the general public, are featured. The reason for hearing misfortune or etiology can be promptly evident like an ear disease or storing up of ear wax in the outside ear waterway and can likewise be inconclusive, for example, in the instances of non-syndromic sensorineural hearing misfortune (Connelly, 2005). For the most part, the significant reasons for hearing misfortune incorporate inordinate clamor, ototoxic response to drugs, maturing, hereditary legacy or birth imperfections, diseases, and head or ear injury. Presentation to destructive commotion makes harm delicate inward ear structures, called hair cells, prompting noised-initiated hearing misfortune. Hair cells are little tactile cells that are liable for the transformation of sounds into electrical signs, which are then sent to the mind for discernment. When harmed, hair cells can scarcely develop back, making loss of hearing perpetual. Both the decibel levels of and one’s separation to sounds are similarly significant in deciding the likely dangers for commotion actuated hearing misfortune. Rehashed introduction to sounds at or higher than 85 decibels can weaken hearing while a one-time presentation to a much extreme sound like blast can bring about hearing misfortune (NIDCD, 2008). In the interim, chemotherapy medications and radiation utilized for the treatment of youth malignant growth instigate harm to hearing. High dosages of radiation may bring about ear wax develop or aggravation in the external ear, firmness of eardrum or center ear bones, or liquid develop in the center ear, which can prompt hearing misfortune (Landier and Ruccione, 2008). Further, radiation can instigate harm to the inward ear’s hair cells, bringing about a sensorineural hearing misfortune. Hearing misfortune because of viral and bacterial contaminations, for example, in syphilis, toxoplasmosis, mumps, bacterial
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Emerging Technologies Essays -- Digital Gadgets, Personal Information
During the 21st century the world has seen enormous improvements in innovation. Pretty much every individual knows about the utilization of computerized contraptions for correspondence, socialization and information stockpiling among different administrations (Freedman 02). The developments of electronic gadgets that can be utilized to store, send, get and get to any data are aftereffects of headways in innovation. These advancements have a place with the data and correspondences classification. Numerous individuals in today’s world wrongly think that the innovative progressions that are going on right presently are the main technologic headways advancing on the planet. Anyway all things considered, individuals have been encountering innovative headways as right on time as the Neolithic time frame, affecting pretty much every part of life. These antiquated advancements have come to be surpassed by time, as there are new ones which appear to be progressively productive in achieving comparable errands. Developing advances can be supposed to be developments and progressions that can be seen in various divisions of innovation (Zelkowitz 6). Most up-coming advancements have brought synchronization of the past turns of events, making them cooperate in accomplishing a comparable objective. A genuine case of this is the means by which video, information and telephonic innovations have now been made to cooperate in accomplishing a similar objective of successful correspondence (Zelkowitz 12). These advances used to exist totally by them self, yet not any longer. Researchers created distinctive social administrations that associate individuals together in a type of web-based social networking. Instances of these applications incorporate; Twitter; Facebook, Vine, and Instagram among numerous others. As much as these new advancements have brought proficiency and a... ...ormation, and we can't simply get rid of rising advancements as a result of pundits. We have to acknowledge that everything has a lot of benefits and negative marks, and proceed onward. All we need is searching for methods for safeguarding our societies and history just as essential instruction whether there are developing advances or not. Works refered to Freedman, C. D. The Extension of the Criminal Law to Protecting Confidential Commercial Information: Comments on the Issues and the Cyber-Context. (August 01, 2013). Global Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 13, 2, 147-162. Gopnik, Adam. â€Å"The Information: A Critic at Large.†The New Yorker 14 Feb. 2011: 124+. ProQuest. Web. 31 October 2011. Zelkowitz, Marvin V..Vol.73 Advances in Technology: Emerging Technologies. Amsterdam [u.a.: Elsevier, 2013. Print.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Mid-January Updates
Mid-January Updates Hello! Heres the latest: We have begun reading regular action applications. It looks like application numbers will be up once again this year. Lots of reading to be done! If you are a regular action applicant, please check your application tracking on MyMIT today. If you are missing an application component, such as a transcript or teacher evaluation, now is a good time to follow up on that and make sure we have it as soon as possible. If you are in the regular action pool (regular action applicant or early action deferred), and you are in an American school, please try to get us your Mid-Year Grade Report as soon as possible after the grades are available (if youre on a trimester system, we probably already have all the grades we need). If you are an early action deferred student, and you are looking to send us an update, I would recommend doing so in the next couple weeks, before we go into selection committee. The financial aid deadline is quickly approaching. Be sure to have all of your documents to the financial aid office by February 15. I havent forgotten about the Mini-contest. Ill post some great entries tomorrow! Finally, I hope you can start to relax. Im still getting some really stressed out comments and emails, but this interim period between submitting your application and receiving your decision is a good time to focus on family, friends, and school. You can worry again about college once you have to start making your decision ;)
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Impact Of Transnational Industries And Global...
This essay aims to explore and critically analyse the impact of transnational industries and/or global financial institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the sub-Sahara Africa. It will explore the impact on health, economic, and environmental, political and cultural determinants on developing countries. A country in the sub-Sahara Africa region will be used as a prime example in dealing with some of the above institutions and their outcomes, and a conclusion given. INTRODUCTION The World Bank and the IMFs strategies and its impacts in the sub-Sahara region has come under scrutiny. This has prompted concerns of the region s development with some Africans and international organizations questioning if†¦show more content†¦Nevertheless, some political economists have argued that the continents underdevelopment is due to how the states were created with their political and economic link with industrialised nations. This as a result has led to industrialised countries experimenting ill designed development concepts in developing countries. Rodney (2012) argued that every nation has developed, however not on even economic grounds. He further stated that ‘’underdevelopment’’ is used by industrialised countries to exploit other countries. Background Body (1600-1800 words) The word bank and IMF are the two main global financial institutions that lend money to various developed and developing countries. According to Wolff (2013) these institutions came into being in 1944 after the Bretton woods conference to establish a firm global economy after the world war two. The purpose of these institutions was to stimulate a stable development and offer unconditional loans to nations in economic crisis so as to achieve their developmental needs (Wolff, 2013). However, these never saw the daylight, due to pressure experienced from the US legislatures, also known as the ‘‘Washington Consensus’’ which as a result led the IMF and World Bank to lend money with harsh conditions. Kingston et al. (2011) suggests that the Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP) programs in most cases have led to poverty in developing countries
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Poverty Has A Significant Effect On The Brain Essay
Growing up in poverty has a significant effect on the brain. While poverty affects many aspects of the brain processing, spending patterns are impacted which affects quality of life. Occasionally, those in poverty make it out. Despite gaining a higher socioeconomic class, quality of life can still be influenced by the impact of poverty. This is because those who grew up in poverty continue their impulsive spending habits when they move into the middle-class because poverty leaves an enduring impression on the human brain. Poverty has an immense effect on how the human brain develops. In Erika Hayasaki’s essay â€Å"This Is Your Brain on ‘Poor’†, she argues that the environment in which children and teens in poverty grow up in causes the brain to stay in a constant state of fight-or -flight due to the amount of crime and violence they’re exposed to. She discusses how when in fight-or-flight there is an excess of stress hormones pumped through the body so that the person can react in an instant. When exposed to violent crime daily she explains, â€Å"Your stress hormones would be constantly amped up, and after a while your body wouldn’t be able to turn down the volume. Your brain would get stuck in a constant state of flight-or- fightâ€â€the kind of chronic stress that impedes the development of stem cells, brain connections and neurons. Immordino-Yang’s work has found that those in this type of environment often do not fully develop the a bility to plan effectively, setShow MoreRelatedPoverty Influences Children s Early Brain Development1521 Words  | 7 Pages Poverty Influences Children’s Early Brain Development Children have been the topic of many research studies and debates throughout history. Scientists, educators, social workers and teachers have debated the importance of nature and nurture in children s development. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Post 9/11 Intelligence Reform Impact and the Way Ahead Free Essays
string(29) " task other agencies assets\." Final Post 9/11 Intelligence Reform Impact and the Way Ahead Daniel Ratner INTL 444 Professor Mead October 8, 2012 Introduction After 9/11, an event so shocking, and humiliating to both the American people, and the U. S. Government, vast reforms were identified to ensure that an attack of this magnitude never happened again. We will write a custom essay sample on Post 9/11 Intelligence Reform Impact and the Way Ahead or any similar topic only for you Order Now From the ashes of this despicable act came two major pieces of Intelligence reform. These documents were the 9/11 Commission Report and The Intelligence Reform Act and Terrorist Prevent Act of 2004 (IRTPA). Both documents worked to reform the Intelligence Community (IC), and streamline current processes to improve the sharing of intelligence information, and products. With the sweeping changes mainly through the ITPRA the Intelligence Community is well on its way to being the major muscle group we need it to be acting as a single unit as opposed to separate and individual muscles all trying to lift the same heavy weight. With the findings of the 9/11 commission, the implementations of the IRTPA have taken long strides, but what can be done better? We will look at the two pieces of legislation, and then compare and contrast the sweeping changes, and if the are going in the correct direction. The 9/11 Commission Report In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, a group of politicians both Republican and Democrats came together to identify shortfalls and introduce a call for reform. According the report, â€Å"Our aim has not been to assign individual blame. Our aim has been to provide the fullest account of the events surrounding 9/11 and to identify lessons learned. †When we as Americans have a major event in the United States, we always look for a scapegoat, the ideas behind the 9/11 commission was built as a bi-partisan group for just this reason. The report takes the events of 9/11 and attempts to paint a picture of a major lack of understanding of the threat we face from radical Islam, as well as other disenchanted with is around the world. The 9/11 report goes deep into the history of the events surrounding 9/11, but really only spends about 25 pages of the 450 pages report identifying the shortcomings, and way ahead. Now while this is a macro view of the reforms needed, it does leave much to the imagination. Post 9/11 Reform As we look at the reforms recommended we see that the commission broke the recommendations into major groups, they divided them into ways to give Overall Government Reform. This is subdivided into five categories, a new Unity of Effort between Foreign and Domestic operations in an attempt to mandate primacy in different types of operations to ensure the proper agency is doing the correct job, A Unity of Effort for the Intelligence Community, Unity of Effort in Sharing Information, Unity of Effort of in the Congress, and finally how to better organizing Homeland defenses. While these are all important, the major issue was the lack of ownership and sharing of intelligence between governmental agencies. As the 9/11 commission pushed for counterterrorism reform, it also pointed to a need for intelligence reform. the IC reform was aimed at the way we collect process and disseminate intelligence. The 9/11 commission struck to identify, â€Å"whether the government is organized adequately to direct resources and build the intelligence capabilities it will need not just for countering terrorism, but for the broader range of national security challenges in the decades ahead. This viewpoint looks at the National Intelligence Agencies and strive to focus their power to be both effective, and balanced. Coupled with these factors the 9/11 commission identified six major problems, the structural barriers to performing joint intelligence work, lack of common standards and practices across the foreign-domestic divide. Divided management of national intelligence capabilities, weak capacity to set priorities and move resources, too many jobs, and too complex and secret. Structural Barriers To Per forming Joint Intelligence Work Along with the issues of trying to keep ahead of our enemies, we must also be able to share our information with other intelligence agencies, and our allies. As the 9/11 report shows: â€Å"National intelligence is still organized around the collection disciplines of the home agencies, not the joint mission. The importance of integrated, all-source analysis cannot be overstated. Without it, it is not possible to â€Å"connect the dots. †No one component holds all the relevant information. †While all agencies collect information, only through joint integration can we truly paint an accurate assessment of the facts. As a reference, the report cites the Goldwater Nichols legislation of 1986, in which Operations as a whole were better envisioned though joint co-operative training. It shows the strengths of these types of events and why we must incorporate more joint intelligence to be successful. Lack Of Common Standards and Practices Across the Foreign-Domestic Divide This portion of the report goes on to show the issues we have in the cases of both database management and dissemination of information. In cases of information gathered both home and abroad, there are issues with integration and synchronization of this workflow. Many have cited and shown how across the IC there are multiple databases, of which there is no conduit to share information, multiple programs collecting the same data, but are not cross-matched, and in many cases redundant entries are made, and then not managed creating an abundance of information unable to be processed due to a lack of manpower. Divided Management of National Intelligence Capabilities As the IC swelled in the post World War 2 and Cold War eras, we saw the abilities of many agencies in collections dwindle and collapse. The report shoes the degradation of the CIA’s ability to collect IMINT, and SIGINT. As the NSA, NRO NGIA, and other have been created, the HUMINT, OSINT and other intelligence collected by the CIA has had issues being validated due to the inability to task other agencies assets. You read "Post 9/11 Intelligence Reform Impact and the Way Ahead" in category "Essay examples" Some of these issues were solved through their acquisition of their own satellites and some reform, but again we see information that is collected by a sole agency, which is not easily shared or validated by an outside source. Weak Capacity to Set Priorities and Move Resources The task organization of the IC and the way in which it is managed fell on the Director of Central Intelligence, giving the CIA free reign in many cases, and also in many cases too much ability to mismanage or squander resources. As they struggle to manage these resources, and ensure all members of the IC are covered for what they need, there was little oversight in the ability to prioritize collection efforts. Moreover, there was little though given to how to best manage , â€Å"what they collect or the way they collect it. †Too Many Jobs As of the time of the 9/11 report the DCI had three jobs. Running of the CIA, manage the other members of the IC, and head analyst for the President of the United States. Any one of these positions is a capstone to a successful career; in the days of 9/11 it fell on one person. As the report goes on to show, is the fact that, â€Å"No recent DCI has been able to do all three effectively. Usually what loses out is management of the intelligence community†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This overtasking of an individual is not only reckless, but in many cases gave too much power to the CIA. The report finds that the DCI has three major shortcomings. They find that the DCI lacks the ability to control the funds allocated to the IC, the ability to remove or replace agency heads, and the ability to set the quality control and standardization of collection efforts. Too Complex and Secret As if all the previous five findings were not enough, we also see the issue of a cumbersome and hidden group of organizations. At the time of the 9/11 report, the IC was comprised of 15 agencies, mainly managed by a single entity. This coupled with no clear roadmap to how the groups interact, whom they report to, and how they fund operations. Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA) Out of the ashes of the events of 9/11 and the reforms brought forth by the 9/11 Commission report, came the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). This legislation known as S. 2845 was introduced by Senator Susan Collins of Maine. The bill was enacted after being signed by the President on December 17, 2004. This legislation strove to take the 9/11 Commissions findings and implement them into law. As mentioned at the beginning of this paper, we mentioned six major problems the IC faced. Being that the IC was managed mainly based on the National Security Act of 1947, the IRTPA brought changes to the IC by taking the bad and refining the good of each item. The major change seen in the IRTPA was the creation of the Director of National Intelligence. As we had seen in the 9/11 report, the DCI was way too overtasked, and the need for an Intelligence Community to have a director. The Structural Barriers to Performing Joint Intelligence Work In the wake of 9/11 the Joint Intelligence Community Council. This council Chaired by the Director of National Intelligence, is comprised of all major Presidential advisors. It is chartered to â€Å"†¦assist the Director of National Intelligence in developing and implementing a joint, unified national intelligence effort to protect national security†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This council also in the matter of advising the Legislative branch, may make recommendations to improve the IC. Lack of Common Standards and Practices Across the Foreign-Domestic Divide With the creation of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) came the call for a â€Å"performance of common services. This charge stands to ensure that services previously not shared, managed, or understood are standardized. It also stands to provide a set of â€Å"standards†for the agencies to follow, and hence stay regulated. Divided Management Of National Intelligence Capabilities Under the National Security Act of 1947, the DCI was the head of the IC, but under the IRTPA, a new p osition was enabled. The new position Director of National Intelligence, appointed by the President of the United States. This change gave the DCI more oversight of the CIA, and gave the President a subject matter expert, one who had a single focus job. This also gives the DNI the ability to manage the tasking of national collection assets, a job not really performed before. Weak Capacity to Set Priorities and Move Resources In the case of the ability to set priorities, once again the charge goes to the DNI. He is charged to â€Å"establish objectives, priorities, and guidance for the intelligence community to ensure timely and effective collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This charge gives the DNI the ability manage resources, requirements, conflict resolution between agencies to include the use of assets, and collection platforms. The only person the DNI must concede to the President. Too Many Jobs While we had an issue of the DCI having too many jobs before, some might say that the DNO now has too many jobs. This is a misconception, since the DNI has no intelligence agency to manage, rather he has department heads to manage that job. He instead focuses on the seamless and integrated manager of the whole gambit of intelligence. Too Complex and Secret The final goal of the IRTPA served to take the mystery and lack of oversight out of the IC. The establishment of an Inspector General to the DNI was enacted under the IRTPA. This office serves to manage ethical matters, settle complaints of favoritism, and ensure civil liberties are upheld through the actions of the IC and concurrence with National and International Laws. Other Changes Driven by the IRTPA The four findings recommended by the legislation are the following: (1) Long-term success in the war on terrorism demands the use of all elements of national power, including diplomacy, military action, intelligence, covert action, law enforcement, economic policy, foreign aid, public diplomacy, and homeland defense. 2) To win the war on terrorism, the United States must assign to economic and diplomatic capabilities the same strategic priority that is assigned to military capabilities. (3) The legislative and executive branches of the Government of the United States must commit to robust, long-term investments in all of the tools necessary for the foreign policy of the United States to successfully accomplish the goals of the United States. (4) The inv estments referred to in paragraph (3) will require increased funding to United States foreign affairs programs in general, and to priority areas as described in this title in particular. By breaking these findings out, we can better see how the IC can transform and flex the major muscle it has the ability to do. While there were pages and pages of changes, and background these four findings standout as the major players in policy reforms. Long-term Success in the War on Terrorism To be successful in the war on terror, we must utilize all possible assets and allies assets to our advantage. To do this we need to focus our efforts by sharing information, and ensuring that agencies are receiving timely and relevant updates to collected intelligence to ensure overall success. This sharing is critical to both foreign and domestic interests. Balance of Diplomatic, Economic and Military Influences The even balance of lethal, non-lethal and Humanitarian actions must be monitored and controlled. Too much use of any of these can degrade the ability of the United States and it’s ally’s effects in foreign actions. It is also important to remember that even in an attempt to show ourselves as a â€Å"hard target†we must show compassion and understanding to those less fortunate than us. This is a necessity if only because we must show the rest of the world that we are not so devoid of emotion that we can relate with their plights and ways of life. Overall Governmental Commitment to Success The war of terror is a marathon not a race. Only though the applied funding, legislative drive to ensure resources, and the executive branch push to allow success of the IC can we succeed in the war on terror. We cannot allow political infighting, election cycles, opinion polls, or other media-like reports to stop our drive for the end-state. While not always pretty, cost-effective, and popular, the needs of the IC to gather raw data must be protected. Added distractors such as political infighting in cases such as the passing, or re-authorization of the Patriot Act are great examples of the dangers the IC faces in achieving its goals. Commitment to Success and its Costs As stated above, this marathon is not always going to be cost-effective. Emerging technologies, payouts to sources, replacing of equipment, and other costs, not always made privy to the general public must be supported. Failure to the fund the IC can be detrimental to their success. While oversight is needed to ensure embezzlement is not a factor, the budget increases the IC requests should not be delayed or jeopardized by political adversaries, nor used as a talking point. This is currently seen in the $500 Billion defense cuts enacted by supercommittee legislations as face now. Conclusion As we see the changes made in the past 8 years since it’s inception, the IRTPA has helped the IC, but has not fixed it yet. While the DNI creation was a good thing, we do still see cases of the DNI have too much responsibility, and too much work. In some cases the added changes have brought more costs in bureaucratic startup, oversight, and staffing. While the need to separate the DCI from the rest of the agencies was important, the IRTPA has limited the CIA’s abilities an a variety of ways. Other advantages have been the information sharing of intelligence. The sharing has instituted policies and procedures as well as shared technology serves to better share information in a common platform. All things being combined, the IRTPA has been a game changer for the IC, only through reform, and through lessons learned will we strengthen and improve our practices, keeping our country safer. Bibliography 9/11 Commission. The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Report, Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office, 2004. Andrew, Christopher. For President’s Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush. New York: Harper Press. Beckner, Christian. Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations: An Analysis. http://www. hlswatch. com/sitedocs/Implementing%20the%20911%20Commission%20Recs. pdf (accessed October 03, 2012). Congress, 108th. INTELLIGENCE REFORM AND TERRORISM PREVENTION ACT OF 2004. December 17, 2004. http://www. nctc. gov/docs/pl108_458. pdf (accessed October 03, 2012). GovTrack. us. H. R. 1 (110th): Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007. August 3, 2003. http://www. govtrack. us/congress/bills/110/hr1 (accessed October 3, 2012). S. 2845 (108th): Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. December 17, 2004. http://www. govtrack. us/congress/bills/108/s2845 (accessed October 03, 2012). Jr, Richard A. Best. Intelligence Reform After Five Years: The Role of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). June 22, 2010. http://www. fas. org/sgp/crs/intel/R41295. pdf (accessed October 03, 2012). Rosenbach, Eric. Organization of the Intelligence Community. July 2009. http://belfercenter. ksg. harvard. edu/publication/19145/organization_of_the_intelligence_community. html (accessed October 03, 2012). â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. 9/11 Commission. The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Report, Washington, D. C. : U. S. Government Printing Office, 2004. , p xvi. [ 2 ]. iBid. , p. 407 [ 3 ]. iBid. , pp. 407-410 [ 4 ]. iBid. , p. 408 [ 5 ]. iBid. , p. 409 [ 6 ]. iBid. , P. 409. [ 7 ]. GovTrack. , S. 2845 (108th): Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. , Website. , Washington D. C. accessed October 3, 2012 [ 8 ]. iBid. , Sec. 1031 [ 9 ]. iBid. , Sec. 1001 (r) [ 10 ]. iBid. , Sec. 1001 (i) [ 11 ]. iBid. , Sec. 7101 How to cite Post 9/11 Intelligence Reform Impact and the Way Ahead, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Professional conduct and its importance for fresh gradu an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by
Professional conduct and its importance for fresh graduated psychology Any profession or organization cannot be based and function effectively unless it is guided by a set of protocols or rules to help its members perform. This is the key ingredient to any successful professional and organization, where the members are aware of what they are expected to do and how are they supposed to carry themselves. Need essay sample on "Professional conduct and its importance for fresh graduated psychology" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed As in any profession, the field of psychiatry faces its own challenges. The first and foremost challenge is to place ones expertise and contribution in a field that is still at its basics with regards to the complexities of the human mind. Man has been assessing and studying his own behavior patterns, modes of thoughts, methods of communication, desires, needs, ambitions and assimilating the environment in where he or she needs to perform. Yet still psychiatry still is in its early stages of development. This becomes an increasingly demanding job for a psychologist when he or she is to address patients and people who are suffering from mental disorders, mental ailments, or plain anxieties about various life issues. In such circumstances, the patient expects and demands full understanding of his or her mental state and needs by the psychiatrist, and how to help him or her overcome his problem. Thus a psychiatrist becomes at the same time a channel of expression, a reservoir of secrets , a confidant, a friend, a guide, a mentor, and a therapist, all, in one, to help the patient reach the other side of sanity. This demand is naturally high, as very few of us humans have the capacity to clearly understand what the other persons needs are and how can they be addressed in a positive manner. For an experienced psychiatrist, the task of conducting oneself for the patient and the profession is a fine line he or she has learned to balance. But for an amateur learner and graduate of psychiatry, this could be a daunting task. Society has the habit of expecting too much at too little time from a medical professional. The problem however is that most graduates are not exposed to the real world of psychiatry profession, and had been learning or managing cases under supervision, guidance and through mutual discussions and consents. When the same person is expected to work as an individual, he or she may feel nervous about his or her endeavor. A psychiatrist is expected to perform in a certain way for his patients, which is both original and in line with the laws of the field of psychiatry. For this purpose, such graduates are expected to have a professional conduct akin to the field of choice. Professional conduct is the set of rules and outlines that any professional in a given field must follow and abide with. These set of rules ensure that the person is providing the best quality of service that is akin to the level of education that he or she has achieved. However, these professional conduct codes are limited to the persons profession and related activities to the profession such as educational endeavors and scientific researches (APA, 2003). This however, does not exclude the person from moral and ethical values and demands of the profession, and an individual must above all practice ethical and moral values over any other professional obligation or need. Very concisely, professional conduct on an individual or an organizational level is the set of rules and regulations that must be observed by the individual within a specific field. Not only these rules set a standard to be lived up to by a professional, but it also acts as a gauge with which a person is measured and assessed with. These rules are although limiting in providing complete exemption from any moral or ethical behavior, they nevertheless allow for positive professional growth of a person. There are many requirements and areas which a person must fulfill to be professionally capable. The first and the foremost is that a person must acknowledge the supervening authority in his or her profession, in our case, psychology, and accept it by becoming a member of the governing body of the profession (APA, 2003). In all this time, a psychiatrist must inform the authorities about the type of activity he or she is carrying out with regards to his profession i.e. private or public service, research, teaching and education etc. In all this while, the psychologist is responsible for his or her own actions and can be held accused for any misdemeanor that he or she conducts. This can lead to any disciplinary action that the body may have decided upon in its set of rules. (Newfoundland standard of professional conduct, 2005) Therefore, a graduate of psychology must demonstrate competence, multiple professional relationships, does not have any impairment, is able to focus on the welfare of the client, supervisors, research participants and students, be confidential of the clients information, properly represent his or her services, and their costs thereof. The psychologist will also be careful about the various aspects of different assessment procedures, understand different violations of the laws and the penalties associated with the breaching of these laws, will not support illegal practices in the profession, and will report such cases of violations should they come under his or her notice. It is easy to see that the professional conduct of a psychologist is aimed at both the patients as well the colleagues of the profession and becomes modified accordingly. For example, in the case of the patients, the patient knowledge is strictly confidential and must be protected. In the cases of professionals, it is imperative that the psychologist maintain the level of rapport with the colleagues that helps in progression of his or her profession, improve knowledge and increase experience in his or her field. Similar in this manner is the obligation towards the psychologist to be ethically and morally correct in carrying out his practice. Above all regulations, any law agency or authority will not allow moral or ethical compromise from any professional. It is also the responsibility of the professional to protect himself from any such litigation that could take place due to lack of interest or attention to the patient. The psychiatrist must not resort to any immoral or unethical act on the insistence of the patient or the client, and must report the matter immediately and protect himself. In cases where there is danger of any legal problems due to the condition of the patient or the client, either the psychiatrist keep a witness during the sessions, or must legally document all information as elaborately as possible to prevent any future mishaps. (Newfoundland standard of professional conduct, 2005) A successful professional in one who is able to give quality care and practice to its patients and clients, is able to keep up with the changes and trends in psychiatry via educational reviews, peer communication, research and learning. The psychologist is also aware of the rights of the patient as well as himself, and also the rules and guidelines that have been placed by the superiors and works accordingly to avoid mishaps. For a new graduate of psychology stepping out in to real practice, knowing these rules and regulations, and the various laws associated with it can help save his profession at critical times. Such an informed individual will be able to ascertain any moral, ethical or professional misconduct or violation, and will be better able to handle and protect himself from any future problems. References American Psychological Association, 2003. Ethical Principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Site last accessed on September 30th, 2007 from The Newfoundland Board of Examiners in Psychology. Standards of Professional Conduct, 2005.
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